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「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【32】第2章 5節:スワディシュターナチャクラの位置や特徴

「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【32】第2章 5節:スワディシュターナチャクラの位置や特徴



「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 ペーパーバック」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 Kindle」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)




参考:「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【43】第3章 6節:スワディシュターナチャクラの覚醒方法




The Sanskrit word swa means ‘one’s own’ and adhisthana means ‘dwelling place or residence’. Therefore, swadhisthana means ‘one’s own abode’. Although mooladhara occupies a very important place in the scheme of the chakras, swadhisthana, which is located very near to mooladhara, is also involved in and responsible for the awakening of kundalini shakti in mooladhara. In fact, it is said that previously the seat of kundalini was in swadhisthana, but there was a fall and subsequently mahakundalini came to rest in mooladhara.


Swadhisthana corresponds to the reproductive and urinary systems in the gross body and is physiologically related to the prostatic or utero-vaginal plexus of nerves. The location of swadhisthana is at the base of the spinal column, at the level of the coccyx or tailbone. This is a small bony bulb which can be felt just above the anus. It is anatomically very close to mooladhara chakra in both the male and female bodies. Swadhisthana kshetram is in the front of the body at the level of the pubic bone.







Swadhisthana can be experienced as black in color, as it is the seat of primary ignorance. However, traditionally it is depicted as a six petalled vermilion or orange-red lotus. On each petal there is a letter: bam, bham, mam, yam, ram, and lam, written in the color of lightning.


チャクラを表すシンボルとしては、朱色あるいはオレンジ色の6枚の花弁を持つ蓮華が用いられ、その花弁にはそれぞれबं baṃ, भं bhaṃ, मं maṃ, यं yaṃ, रं raṃ and लं laṃ.の6字が輝く色で書かれています。

The element of this chakra is water, symbolized by a white crescent moon within the pericarp of the lotus. The crescent moon is formed by two circles which engender two further yantras. The larger has outward turned petals and represents the conscious dimension of existence. On the inside of the crescent moon is a similar petalled but smaller circle with petals facing inwards. This is the unconscious dimension, the store of formless karma. These two yantras are separated by the white crocodile in the crescent moon. The crocodile is the vehicle which carries the whole phantom of unconscious life. It symbolizes the subterranean movement of the karmas. Seated on the crocodile is the bija mantra vam, also stainless and white.


2つの円は、三日月に乗る白いワニによって隔てられ、このワニは無意識の世界にいる霊の乗り物を表していて、非顕現の状態にあるカルマの動きを象徴しているといいます。ワニの上にはスワディシュターナチャクラを表すवं vaṃのビージャマントラが、汚れのない白色(Wikipediaによれば「moon white」)で書かれています。

The loka for swadhisthana is bhuvar, the intermediate plane of spiritual awareness. The tanmatra or sense connected with this chakra is taste. The gyanendriya or sense of knowledge is the tongue. The karmendriya or sense of action is the sexual organs, kidneys and urinary system. The chief vayu of swadhisthana is vyana which courses throughout the bodys and swadhisthana and manipura are the seat of pranamaya kosha.

It is said that he who meditates on kundalini in swadhisthana chakra is immediately freed from his internal enemies – lust, anger, greed, etc. His nectar-like words flow in prose and verse and in well-reasoned discourse. He becomes like the sun illumining the darkness of ignorance.



用語:ローカ loka
用語:コーシャ koṣa



Swadhisthana is regarded as the substratum or basis of individual human existence. Its counterpart in the brain is the unconscious mind and its storehouse of mental impressions or samskaras. It is said that all the karmas, the past lives, the previous experiences, the greater dimension of the human personality that is unconscious, can be symbolized by swadhisthana chakra. Individual being takes root in the unconscious mind, and the many instinctive drives that are felt at the level of this chakra bubble up from the depths of the unconscious.



It has absolute control over mooladhara chakra and the animal propensities during the first milestone of man’s evolution.


The unconscious principle of swadhisthana should never be considered as an inactive or dormant process. Rather it is far more dynamic and powerful than the normal consciousness. When the shakti enters swadhisthana chakra there is an overwhelming experience of this unconscious state. It is different from mooladhara, which is the manifest expression of that unconscious. In mooladhara, the karmas of the lower stages of our evolution are manifested in the form of anger, greed, jealousy, passion, love, hatred and so on. There we are working out that karma, manifesting and expressing it overtly. At the level of swadhisthana, however, there is no conscious activity or manifestation. This is hiranyagarbha, the universal womb, where everything exists in a potential state.



In the collective unconscious, the samskaras and the karmas exist in a seed state.


There are many karmas influencing us in this way, but we remain completely unaware of them.



According to tantra each and every perception, experience and association is recorded.


They are not analyzed, but simply filed away in some layer of the mind. All those insignificant and unimpressive karmas, which have been registered automatically in our consciousness, form the total unconscious.


In kundalini yoga, swadhisthana is often regarded as a hindrance in the sense that these karmas lying embedded in the unconscious do not allow the rising kundalini to pass through. After the initial awakening, kundalini returns to dormancy time and time again, solely due to the karmic block at swadhisthana.


Therefore, the awakening of swadhisthana presents many difficulties to the sadhaka. When the explosion takes place and swadhisthana begins to erupt, the aspirant is often confused and disturbed by the activation of all this subconscious material. It is totally impossible for him to understand these impressions, which are often attributed to a disturbed mental condition.

Although the sadhaka may be duly apprehensive about entering this stage of awakening, it is absolutely necessary for his spiritual evolution. Provided he has a competent guru or guide who knows how to avoid all the pitfalls of this area, swadhisthana can be traversed safely and without problems.




When kundalini is residing in swadhisthana chakra, the last vestige of karma is being thrown out and all the negative samskaras express themselves and are expelled. At this time you may be angry, afraid or full of sexual fantasies and passion. You may also experience lethargy, indolence, depression and all kinds of tamasic characteristics. The tendency to procrastinate is very strong and you just want to sleep and sleep. This stage of evolution is known as purgatory, and if you read the lives of many of the great saints, you will find that most of them encountered great turmoil and temptations when they were passing through this stage.



If one fluctuates even slightly, kundalini will return to mooladhara and the real awakening will be more difficult. Therefore, in the first stages of sadhana and awakening, one must have a supreme kind of vairagya (detachment). It should not be intellectual vairagya, but the outcome of a thorough analysis of the situations of life. Where is the end to the pleasures of life ? Can you ever satisfy your desires ?



参考:ヨーガスートラ解説 1.12-1.14 〜心を制御する2つの方法〜


If the sadhaka understands this truth, that desires can never be satisfied in one lifetime, or even in thousands of lifetimes, then kundalini can pass through swadhisthana safely and relatively fast, and make its way to manipura chakra. Without this understanding, swadhisthana becomes like an impenetrable iron curtain and perhaps only one in thousands can transcend it. Many people awaken kundalini quite easily, but passing the swadhisthana border is another thing; you can’t get through without a visa.





When no sexual desires of any kind manifest in an aspirant any more, and when there is no more personal attraction, that means kundalini has passed beyond swadhisthana chakra. However, when dealing with the subject of sex, your understanding must be very thorough. Although you may not be having any sexual awareness at the moment, that doesn’t mean your desires have been exterminated. They might be in a suppressed state. There is an automatic process of suppression in the human constitution, and that is inherent in our own mental being.



Hindu rishis have stated that sexual awareness and desires can manifest at any stage of evolution. They are very acute and clearly expressed when one is in swadhisthana and having continual fantasies, but sexual awareness never really dies because it is fueled by the primal energy which is present all throughout. Sex is only an expression of that, and therefore it can manifest at any stage, and one should never think that he has transcended it. It is even present when one is in the highest state of consciousness. The only difference is that in swadhisthana it is in a very disturbed state, whereas in the higher centers of evolution it is in a seed form. After all, what is bhakti or devotion; what is union? They are the sublimated pure form of sexual energy.




Energy at different levels is known by different names. At the highest level it is called spiritual experience. On the emotional level it is known as love. On the physical level it is known as sex, and at the lowest level it is known as avidya or ignorance. So therefore, when you talk about sex, you must understand that it is only a particular formation of energy.



In this way, they can sublimate the form of their emotional energy and even transform the primal energy into a divine experience.



According to the tantric texts, there are many other psychic propensities gained through the awakening of swadhisthana chakra. These include: loss of fear of water, dawning of intuitive knowledge, awareness of astral entities, and the ability to taste anything desired for oneself or others.


It must be remembered that up to swadhisthana, the consciousness is not yet purified. Due to ignorance and confusion, the psychic powers awakened at this level are often accompanied by maleficent mental attributes. What happens here when the aspirant tries to manifest or express himself through the psychic medium is that more often than not it becomes a vehicle for personal and lower tendencies rather than for the divine.


The sum and substance is this – awakening of kundalini is not a difficult task, but to get beyond swadhisthana is. For that you must improve the general background of your psycho-emotional life. Once you pass swadhisthana you will not have to face any explosive traumas again, but there will be other difficulties further on. Kundalini is unlikely to descend again as it is destined to move on, but the problems you will confront will be concerned with siddhis, and they are more difficult to subdue.





次記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【33】第2章 6節:マニプーラチャクラ

前記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【31】第2章 4節:ムーラーダーラチャクラ


「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 ペーパーバック」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 Kindle」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「密教ヨーガ―タントラヨーガの本質と秘法」本山 博 (著)

「クンダリニー」ゴーピ・クリシュナ (著), 中島巌 (翻訳)

「Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha 英語版」Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「チャクラ」C.W.リードビーター (著), 本山 博 (著), 湯浅 泰雄 (著)

男性ヨガインストラクター 高橋陽介の写真

by 高橋陽介


コラムを探す オンラインレッスン

公式LINE レッスン料金 スケジュール



