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「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【17】第1章 7節:食生活について

「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【17】第1章 7節:食生活について


「KUNDALINI TANTRA(クンダリニー・タントラ)/Swami Satyananda Saraswati(スワミ・サティヤナンダ・サラスワティ)著」を読み進めていく形で、クンダリーニヨガ(クンダリニーヨーガ)の概要を紹介していきます。









When the awakening of kundalini takes place it is important to have the correct diet, as food influences the mind and your nature. At the time of awakening, certain physiological changes occur in the body, particularly in the digestive system, and the digestive process is frequently disturbed, or hunger vanishes completely. Therefore, a kundalini aspirant has to be very careful about his diet.



Scientific observations have shown that the awakening of kundalini is generally accompanied by a state of nervous depression. The inner body temperature undergoes erratic changes and drops so much that it becomes much lower than the outer body temperature. Metabolism slows down and sometimes it even stops completely. Consumption of oxygen also falls. Therefore, when you are experiencing kundalini awakening your diet must be very light and easy to assimilate.









  • 消化に良いものを、最小限摂るようにし、消化器官に負担をかけないようにする。
  • 人間の消化器官を観察したところ肉食動物とは明らかに異なり、よく調理された菜食料理(特に、茹でたもの・粥にしたもの)が最適な食べ物である。ただし、肉食する人がクンダリニー覚醒できないというわけではない。
  • マクロビオティック(シンプルで薄味な自然食)が基本である。



The best diet for a kundalini yogi is boiled food. Crushed wheat, barley, lentils and dal are excellent foods, particularly when they are in a liquid form. Fats and greasy foods should be avoided and protein should be kept to a minimum. This will take any strain off the liver, because when the mind undergoes a crisis, the liver is overtaxed.

It is good to increase the carbohydrates in your diet, eg. rice, wheat, maize, barley, potato, etc., because carbohydrates help to maintain the inner body temperature and they do not require much heat to digest. Eggs, chicken and other heavy foods do not produce much heat themselves, but they require heat for digestion.

The yogic diet is macrobiotic, it is simple, plain and relatively bland. From time to time, fruits and roots can also be taken, but they are not essential.



A great misunderstanding has taken place in the last twenty to thirty years, and that is that a yogi should only take milk, fruit and raw vegetables. On the basis of personal observations, trials and errors, I can never accept that this is correct. There are certain foods which are not meant for the human body at all. If you analyze your digestive and salivary secretions and the durability of the mucus membranes in the alimentary canal, you will find that they are not really meant for digesting meat and uncooked foods. Whereas carnivorous animals have short intestines so their food can be expelled quickly, before fermentation takes place, we have very long intestines (36 feet in length) and our food should take eighteen hours to pass through the body. Because well cooked vegetarian food is less likely to ferment, and we can keep it in our intestines for a full eighteen hours, it is the best for the human digestive tract.



Of course, this is not to say that people who take a non-vegetarian diet cannot awaken their kundalini, as history indicates otherwise. There have been many Christian, Tibetan and Sufi saints who awakened their kundalini although they took a meat diet. And we can’t say what Christ, Moses, Mohammed and Buddha ate because we haven’t seen. However, from scientific observations made in the event of kundalini awakening, we know what is likely to occur in our body. At certain periods we may not be able to digest raw foods and there may be days when the body cannot even accept water. Therefore, during the period of kundalini awakening, please take a diet which can be easily assimilated and eat the bare minimum for existence. Do not live to eat, but eat to live.




In the diet for kundalini aspirants, condiments have a very important role to play. Condiments such as coriander, cumin seeds, tumeric, aniseed, black pepper, green pepper, cayenne, cloves, mustard seed, cardamom, cinnamon and so on are also called digestives as they aid digestion. These substances are not spices for taste; they are condiments which have the same properties as the enzymes in the body, and by helping to break down the food for digestion, they conserve vital energy and help to maintain the body’s internal temperature.





Although diet is an independent science, it is definitely related to every system of yoga. Of course the ideal diet varies from yoga to yoga. A hatha yogi practising shankhaprakshalana will not be able to eat lots of red peppers and black peppers or he’ll die. The diet regime for a karma yogi, a bhakta yogi, raja yogi, hatha yogi and kriya yogi will not be the same.

A bhakta yogi can eat all types of sweets and confectionary, consume cheese, butter, milk, etc. and he can eat and eat because his metabolism is very fast. Similarly, a karma yogi can take cheese, coffee, raw foods or cooked food, and even a little bit of champagne, because he is working hard physically and his metabolism is also very fast. But in raja yoga and kundalini awakening, the metabolism becomes slow and you have to be very careful about your diet and how much you consume.




I have evolved two wonderful foods which suit everybody. One is for those who like rice and the other is for those who prefer wheat. You either cook the rice with dal (pulses such as lentils), vegetables and a few condiments, or you pound the wheat, add all the same ingredients to that and cook it well. I call this integrated kichari. You can add anything to it and it’s alright.


その中で、米を主食とする人と、小麦を主食とする人の両方に対応できる、最適な主食となる「kichari キチャリ」を用いるようになったといいます。キチャリは、米とダル(レンズ豆など)と野菜をいくつかのスパイスで調理したもの、あるいは同じ材料を小麦と一緒にたたいてのばしたものであると説明されています。そこにいろいろな食材を追加していくこともできます。

私も「shankhaprakshalana シャンカプラクシャーナ」の浄化法を行ったあと、しばらくはキチャリしか提供されませんでした。断食明けの食事は消化の良いお粥から始めるのと同じように、最初のキチャリはおそらく米ベースのほうのものでかなり液状になっていて少量で、塩も使われていない味気のないものでした。徐々に量が増えていき、豆の輪郭のあるものに変わっていき、数日後に普通の食事にもどった!かと思いきや、同じ見た目ですがなんと塩が入っていないというものでした。そういったダイナミックな食の経験をしたこともあり、その後もいろいろなことを試すようにしてきました。


次記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ/サティヤナンダ(著)」を読む【18】第1章 8節-1:クンダリニーヨーガのリスクや注意点

前記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ/サティヤナンダ(著)」を読む【16】第1章 6節-2:どのように修行を進めるか


「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 ペーパーバック」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 Kindle」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「密教ヨーガ―タントラヨーガの本質と秘法」本山 博 (著)

「クンダリニー」ゴーピ・クリシュナ (著), 中島巌 (翻訳)

「Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha 英語版」Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

男性ヨガインストラクター 高橋陽介の写真





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