「KUNDALINI TANTRA(クンダリニー・タントラ)/Swami Satyananda Saraswati(スワミ・サティヤナンダ・サラスワティ)著」を読み進めていく形で、クンダリーニヨガの概要を紹介していきます。
「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 ペーパーバック」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)
「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 Kindle」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)
When we talk about awakening we should not confuse awakening of kundalini with other forms of awakening. Awakening of the chakras is completely different from awakening of kundalini. Awakening of sushumna is also quite a different event, and awakening of mooladhara chakra is not awakening of kundalini. Even if all the chakras from mooladhara up to ajna are awakened this does not mean that kundalini is awakened.
In the systematic process of awakening kundalini, the first step is to purify ida and pingala nadis and create harmony in their functioning. Next, all the chakras have to be awakened. Then sushumna nadi is awakened, and when there is a clear pathway for its ascent, kundalini can be awakened.
- イダーとピンガラーを浄化し機能のバランスを整える
- 各チャクラを覚醒させる
- スシュムナーを覚醒させ、クンダリニーの通り道をつくる
Ida and pingala nadis are responsible for the mundane existence. Pingala conducts the life that is in your body and ida conducts the consciousness. These two nadis respectively feed the two hemispheres of the brain which in turn control every activity of the body. It is not awakening of these nadis we aim towards, but discipline. As you know, ida and pingala function alternately and directly influence the temperature of the body, digestive and hormonal secretions, the brainwaves and all the bodily systems.
Ida and pingala function according to a natural cycle, but on account of poor eating habits and inharmonious lifestyles, the natural cycle is often disturbed. Sometimes one nadi predominates and the other is suppressed. This leads to mental and physical imbalances and generally results in disease. Therefore, ida and pingala must be disciplined or made to function according to the laws of nature. Only when there is harmony between these two nadis can sushumna be awakened.
So, through the practices of hatha yoga, pranayama and raja yoga, the nadis should be purified and disciplined. The best practice for this is actually nadi shodhana pranayama – nadi purifying pranayama.
From incarnation to incarnation the yoga we have been practising may have already awakened the lower chakras. Although most of us try to awaken mooladhara, swadhisthana, etc. it may not be necessary to awaken them because we may have evolved even beyond manipura on account of our efforts in a previous life. It is even possible that kundalini may have ascended through the chakras but you don’t know it because you haven’t noticed any symptoms. However, in any case, it is essential that all the chakras must be awakened before we make an attempt to awaken sushumna.
If the chakras are not purified, then purification of the nadis will not serve any purpose. If the electrical junctions are not connected or properly organized, even if you have the best wiring available, how will the electrical energy be distributed? The chakras are the junctions from which the nadis, like cables, transmit the energy to different parts of the body.
Every point, speck or fiber of the body is directly related to one of the chakras. If you experience pain in any part of the body, the sensation will go to the chakra related to that particular area. This means your whole body is connected with one of the chakras. For example, the urinary, excretory and reproductive systems are fed by swadhisthana chakra. Besides this, the sexual organs are connected to mooladhara chakra. The digestive system, small intestine, large intestine, appendix, pancreas, duodenum, stomach and liver are all connected to manipura chakra. The heart and lungs are fed by anahata chakra.
However, in most people, the chakras beyond manipura are dormant. Because mooladhara chakra is the highest chakra in animal evolution, it is already functioning in most people. That is why everybody has a very acute sexual awareness and sex has become one of the most important events in man’s life. Therefore, most of our social traditions are based upon this particular human requirement. The mere fact that today’s society is utilizing the five tattwas of tantra (meat, fish, wine, grain and sexual interaction) in everyday life means that in most people, kundalini is somewhere between mooladhara and swadhisthana. Once kundalini leaves swadhisthana and ascends to manipura and anahata, you no longer need the five tattwas.
Each chakra is symbolized by a certain animal, indicating a type of animal consciousness, and if sudden awakening of a chakra takes place, you may exhibit some of the animal emotions in either a mild or very strong way. For instance, fear is not a human emotion, nor is infatuation or violence. Of course, man is trying to expel the animal from him, but at the same time he is maintaining it. Therefore, care must be taken not to give an explosive manifestation to the awakening of the chakras.
If the chakras are awakened, ida and pingala are balanced and the other nadis are also purified, but there is an obstruction in sushumna, then the awakening of kundalini will not fulfil its purpose.
Actually, I don’t believe ida and pingala nadis are inferior to sushumna. Awakening of pingala nadi will awaken one portion of the brain and awakening of ida will awaken another portion. However, when kundalini enters sushumna, it affects the whole brain.
In the ancient texts of tantra it has been clearly indicated that it does not matter if kundalini enters another passageway. If there is an awakening in pingala, one becomes a healer or a siddha, one who has control over nature, matter and the mind. When there is awakening in ida, one can predict things; he becomes a prophet. But when sushumna awakens, kundalini ascends straight to sahasrara and one becomes a jivanmukta, a liberated soul.
So, hatha yoga and pranayama are prescribed for the awakening of sushumna. There are also other ways, but kriya yoga is the best, particularly the practices of maha mudra and maha bheda mudra.
参考:ハタヨーガプラディーピカー概説 3.10-3.31 〜「マハー(偉大な)」がつく3種のムドラー〜
参考:ゲーランダサンヒター概説3.6-3.24 〜ムドラー解説1〜
「maha bheda mudra マハーベーダムドラー」と「maha veda mudra マハーヴェーダムドラー」は紛らわしい名前ですが、別のものです。これらのムドラーはサティヤナンダ氏のオレンジ本でも解説されています。
「Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha 英語版」Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)
参考:チベット密教/ツルティム・ケサン(著) 正木晃(著)|書籍紹介
For awakening of sushumna, ida and pingala have to be suppressed. Thus you can see the importance of practising kumbhaka, breath retention. When both nadis are suppressed in kumbhaka, immediately after you’ll find that both nadis are flowing simultaneously. It is at this time that kundalini should awaken.
次記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ/サティヤナンダ(著)」を読む【22】第1章 11節:下降するクンダリニー
前記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ/サティヤナンダ(著)」を読む【20】第1章 9節:覚醒か、狂気か
「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 ペーパーバック」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)
「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 Kindle」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)
「クンダリニー」ゴーピ・クリシュナ (著), 中島巌 (翻訳)
「Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha 英語版」Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)