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「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【14】第1章 5節:クンダリニー覚醒に至る10の道

「クンダリニー・タントラ」を読む【14】第1章 5節:クンダリニー覚醒に至る10の道


「KUNDALINI TANTRA(クンダリニー・タントラ)/Swami Satyananda Saraswati(スワミ・サティヤナンダ・サラスワティ)著」を読み進めていく形で、クンダリーニヨガの概要を紹介していきます。

「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 ペーパーバック」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 Kindle」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)









  1. Awakening by birth(生まれながらの覚醒)
  2. Mantra(マントラ・真言)
  3. Tapasya(タパーシャ)
  4. Awakening through herbs(薬草)
  5. Raja yoga(ラージャヨーガ)
  6. Pranayama(プラーナーヤーマ)
  7. Kriya yoga(クリヤーヨーガ)
  8. Tantric initiation(イニシエーション)
  9. Shaktipat(シャクティパット)
  10. Self-surrender(自己放擲)



1. 生まれながらの覚醒


Through the practices of yoga you can transform the quality of your genes. If genes can produce artists, scientists, inventors and intellectual geniuses, then why not awakened kundalinis? You have to transform the quality of your sperm or ova by firstly transforming your whole consciousness. Neither drugs nor diet will transform your genes, but if you change your consciousness, you can then effect the elements of the body and ultimately change the quality of the sperm and ova. Then you will have children with awakened kundalinis. They will become the yogis and spiritual masters of the house who set things right for you.



2. マントラ・真言

The second method of awakening kundalini is through steady regular practice of mantra. This is a very powerful, smooth and risk-free method, but of course it is a sadhana which requires time and a lot of patience. First you need to get a suitable mantra from a guru who knows yoga and tantra, and who can guide you through your sadhana. When you practise the mantra incessantly, it develops in you the vision of a higher force and enables you to live amidst the sensualities of life with indifference to them.





用語:ビージャ(ビジャ) bīja

3. タパーシャ


用語:タパス(タパ) tapas

Tapasya is an act of purification. It should not be misunderstood to involve standing naked in cold water or snow, or observing foolish and meaningless austerities.

When you want to eliminate a bad habit, the more you want to get rid of it, the more powerful it becomes. When you abandon it in the waking state, it appears in dreams, and when you stop those dreams, it expresses itself in your behavior or manifests in disease. This particular habit must be destroyed at its psychic root, not only at the conscious level. The samskara and vasana must be eliminated by some form of tapasya.




Tapasya is a very, very powerful method of awakening which everybody cannot handle.


4. 薬草による覚醒

The fourth method of awakening is through the use of specific herbs. In Sanskrit this is called aushadhi, and it should not be interpreted as meaning drugs like marijuana, LSD, etc. Aushadhi is the most powerful and rapid method of awakening but it is not for all and very few people know about it. There are herbs which can transform the nature of the body and its elements and bring about either partial or full awakening, but they should never be used without a guru or qualified guide. This is because certain herbs selectively awaken ida or pingala and others can suppress both these nadis and quickly lead one to the mental asylum. For this reason, aushadhi is a very risky and unreliable method.




5. ラージャヨーガ

The fifth method of inducing awakening is through raja yoga and the development of an equipoised mind. This is the total merging of individual consciousness with superconsciousness. It occurs by a sequental process of concentration, meditation and communion; experience of union with the absolute or supreme.



All the practices of raja yoga, preceded by hatha yoga, bring about very durable experiences, but they can lead to a state of complete depression, in which you do not feel like doing anything. The raja yoga method is very difficult for most people as it requires time, patience, discipline and perseverance. Concentration of mind is one of the most difficult things for modern man to achieve.


6. プラーナーヤーマ

The sixth method of awakening kundalini is through pranayama. When a sufficiently prepared aspirant practises pranayama in a calm, cool and quiet environment, preferably at a high altitude, with a diet only sufficient to maintain life, the awakening of kundalini takes place like an explosition. In fact, the awakening is so rapid that kundalini ascends to sahasrara immediately.



7. クリヤーヨーガ

The seventh method of inducing awakening is kriya yoga. It is the most simple and practical way for modern day man as it does not require confrontation with the mind.



When you practise kriya yoga, kundalini doesn’t wake up with force, nor does it awaken like a satellite or as a vision or experience. It wakes up like a noble queen. Before getting up she will open her eyes, then close them again for a while. Then she’ll open her eyes again, look here and there, turn to the right and left, then pull the sheet up over her head and doze. After some time she will again stretch her body and open her eyes, then doze for a while. Each time she stretches and looks around she says, ‘Hmmm’. This is what happens in kriya yoga awakening.



8. イニシエーション

This eighth method of awakening kundalini through tantric initiation is a very secret topic. Only those people who have transcended passions, and who understand the two principles of nature, Shiva and Shakti, are entitled to this initiation. It is not meant for those who have urges lurking within them or for those who have a need for physical contact. With the guidance of a guru, this is the quickest possible way to awaken kundalini.



However, who is qualified for this path? Few people in this world have completely transcended the sexual urge and overcome their passions.




9. シャクティパット

The ninth method of awakening is performed by the guru. It is called shaktipat. The awakening is instant, but it is only a glimpse, not a permanent event. When the guru creates this awakening you experience samadhi.



This shaktipat is conducted in the physical presence or from a distance. It can be transmitted by touch, by a handkerchief, a mala, a flower, a fruit or anything edible, depending on the system the guru has mastered. It can even be transmitted by letter, telegram or telephone.

It is very difficult to say who is qualified for this awakening.




参考:インドの光 聖ラーマクリシュナの生涯/田中嫺玉(著)|書籍紹介


10. 自己放擲

We have discussed the nine established methods of awakening kundalini, but there is a tenth way – don’t aspire for awakening. Let it happen if it happens: “I am not responsible for the awakening, nature is accomplishing everything. I accept what comes to me.” This is known as the path of self-surrender, and in this path, if you have a strong enough belief that your kundalini will indeed awaken, twenty thousand years can pass in the twinkling of an eye and kundalini will awaken instantly.






When the awakening of kundalini takes place, scientific observations have revealed different effects.


Karma yoga and bhakti yoga are considered comparatively safe and mild methods of awakening, but the tantric methods are more scientific than the non-tantric methods, because in tantra there is no scope for suppression or dispersion of energy. In non-tantric methods there is antagonism – one mind wants it and the same mind is saying no. You suppress your thoughts, you want to enjoy, but at the same time you think “No, it is bad.”



I am not criticizing non-tantric methods. They are the mild methods which do not bring you any trouble. They are just like beer – you drink a little bit and nothing happens, drink four to ten glasses and not much will happen. But tantric methods are like LSD, you have a little and it takes you right out. If something is wrong, it is wrong; if something is right, it is right.




次記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ/サティヤナンダ(著)」を読む【15】第1章 6節-1:クンダリニーヨーガの準備

前記事:「クンダリニー・タントラ/サティヤナンダ(著)」を読む【13】第1章 4節-2:クンダリニーと神経・意識


「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 ペーパーバック」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「Kundalini Tantra 英語版 Kindle」 Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

「密教ヨーガ―タントラヨーガの本質と秘法」本山 博 (著)

「クンダリニー」ゴーピ・クリシュナ (著), 中島巌 (翻訳)

「Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha 英語版」Swami Satyananda Saraswati (著)

男性ヨガインストラクター 高橋陽介の写真




レッスン料金 レッスンスケジュール



